The COMSUS project assumes supporting HEIs on many levels of work with social media. Below you can see the results of the projects – both those already implemented and those just foreseen!

Result 1 (WP2)  – development of the E-course “The power of social media in the professional development of teachers: personal brand, tools for educational products, promotion of sustainable development values” for HEIs teaching staff and piloting the course in Poland, Germany, Turkey, Portugal and Ukraine.

This result’s aim is to rise HEIs’ teaching, staff academic and scientific staff awareness-raising about environmental and climate-change challenges, develop skills in social media marketing as an instrument of personal brand development, a tool for educational products, promotion of sustainable development values.

Methodology of Result 1 is based on the European Sustainability Competence Framework (GreenComp, 2022, European Commission). The E-course will foster a sustainability mindset by helping users develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet.

Result 2 (WP3) – development of the E-course “Sustainable SMM: sustainable communication in social media for higher education institutions”for HEIs’ communication managers and piloting the course in Poland, Germany, Turkey, Portugal and Ukraine.

This result’s aim is to rise HEIs’ communication managers’ awareness-raising about environmental and climate-change challenges, develop skills in social media marketing in their professional life in HEI.

Methodology of Result 2 is also based on the European Sustainability Competence Framework (GreenComp, 2022, Eropean Commission).

Result 3 (WP4) – development of a manual for HEIs titled “Sustainable communication in social media for HEI: how to become a changemaker?”. This result is aimed to give theoretical background and examples of practical cases of using social media for sustainable communication for HEIs.

This result will be developed on the basis of an in-depth diagnosis and exchange of experience from previous years of practice, as well as the knowledge obtained during the implementation of previous COMSUS project results.

Result 4 (WP5)  – a hub of sustainable communications “COMSUS”. The hub of sustainable communications “COMSUS” aims to motivate to development of sustainable communications of higher education institutions in social media. It will be a social platform for intercultural communication of organizations and youth leaders.

This result will include a series of educational and online brokerage and promotion activities for participants from partner countries. The Virtual Hub is a network of virtual international intercultural communication organized by project team, which includes a among other things a series of webinars for participants from partnering countries and other parts of the world, as well as the creation of a media channel for communication on social media.

Activities included in Result 4 are already being published and conducted. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to access the materials from previous webinars and to also be able to participate in the ones that will take place soon!